Optimizing potential of Coconut water as an Organic Priming Agent for Jujube (Ziziphus mauritiana L.)
Published 2024-12-30
- Coconut water,
- Jujube,
- Seed priming
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Copyright (c) 2025 Afifa Talpur, Adeel, Mir Yar Muhammad Khan Talpur, Noman Nizamani, Gul Hassan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
The seed is the main source of rootstock production in Jujube, but its hard seed coat make it difficult for the seed to germinate which adversely impact the growth of fruit. Therefore, seed priming technique is used because it involves the controlled hydration. There are several priming agents but our study revolves around coconut water which requires a comprehensive discussion as it is highly potential for enhancing the germination in various crops yet its effect on the growth traits of (Ziziphus mauritiana L.) needs to be assessed. The current literature is unable to provide specific knowledge on this study. Therefore, a research was carried out at SAU nursery, Department of Horticulture, Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam in the year 2023 to examine the effect of coconut water on the germination and growth response of Jujube. The trial was implemented by following the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a factorial arrangement and three replicates. The treatments comprised of priming durations of coconut water P1=7 hours, P2=9 hours, and P3=11 hours and concentrations of coconut water T1=10%, T2=20%, and T3=30%. The research findings elaborated that Jujube seeds when primed in coconut water for 11 hours presented the better results for Germination percent, Germination index, Plant height (cm) Seedling Vigor Index Sturdiness Quotient Root Depth. The comparison of solution displayed that Jujube seed grows well under priming solution of 30% coconut water. Hence, the research concludes with the result that Jujube seeds primed with 30 % solution in 11 hours provided the better results as compared to the other treatments.
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